Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Intuitive cosmetics

A not so long time ago I would have captioned this headline with a very skeptic question mark and an eye roll for good measure. I am however stripped of that false luxury lately and enjoying the depths of my abyss. There is no need to climb out just yet, I am making friends with Darkness, Death and the All Knowing. Paraphrasing a wise soul(, we need to embrace the death/life/death cycle. Everything happens well and truly within that cycle, life, love, birth, death, seasons name it. Find the time to read “Women who run with the Wolves by Dr. Estes. It truly is a magical read for women and men alike. While it seems obviously designed for the female psyche we all know that we are both female/male in our genetic make up. As far as I know energy is sexless. Do you identify your electricity as male or female? Of course not or better yet, I hope not otherwise we may have to wonder what it is that you get up to in the privacy of your home when nobody is watching. Before I truly digress let me reign myself in and return to the subject at hand.

The sojourn into cosmetics has revealed some rather interesting facets that I had no idea existed or where even possible unless one was under the heavy influence of a narcotic of choice. Don’t ask me how I know, one day when we are good friends over a cup of tea, I will tell you that particular escapade. Anyway in addition to copious amounts of research (I am an insatiable beast when it comes to acquiring knowledge), I intuitively know what a skin requires. Sometimes the knowledge is instant, other times it shows up when it is good and ready to do so. No two people are truly the same not even identical twins so the combination of ingredients is as diverse as there are stars and galaxies in the sky. 

The conundrum here is that it is way too labor intensive for any one person or corporation to cater to the singular needs of every single individual. Its not impossible but quite improbable. Sure you can find a cosmetic that does the job adequately if you strip away the fairy dust and marketing wizardry that goes into cosmetics or anything else for that matter. Even spirituality is victim to marketing and fairy dust claims, but it will not be truly what is optimum for your particular needs.  Enter the intuitive cosmetic formulator for those who are willing to invest that much in themselves. I offer a bespoke service that caters to your individual needs regarding skin care.
No it is not a magic solution that will transform you into sleeping beauty in her prime, those would be fairy dust claims and I am quite averse to them. But we can harness the Great Mother and all that She nourishes on her back  to support the individual in a truly magical way.

Disclaimer: I do not go to sleep and magically come up with solutions. There is serious amounts of work involved in the process of product formulation and I do put in the work required. I have in addition to my other degrees, a Diploma in Organic Skincare formulation, a certificate in Organic anti-aging skin care and I am currently enrolled in a cosmetics formulation course offered by qualified chemists. 

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